Devising A Business Continuity Plan? Consider The Cloud

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How prepared is your company for an IT disaster? To protect your business from cyber-attacks, human error, hardware failures, natural disasters, or all of the above, you must devise a business continuity plan that allows your organization to quickly adjust and continue to operate as if it were business as usual. 

Unsure of where to start? Cue the cloud, which companies rely on for a myriad of things, and has gained increasing popularity when it comes to backups and disaster recovery. Read on to learn about the benefits of introducing a cloud-based solution into your business continuity plan as well as key considerations to keep in mind.

The Benefits of Cloud Computing for Business Continuity

1. Ease and Efficiency

Businesses should back up critical data daily; however, the reality is that most do not, regardless of whether they have backup or data recovery policies in place. Part of the cloud’s beauty lies in its ability to automate daily backups, eliminating workflow disruption, and ultimately saving time. As far as cloud-based disaster recovery goes, Fencecore’s approach can be quickly deployed across organizations, providing remote access while simplifying IT security management and support.

2. Reliability

Testing is key to ensuring that your business continuity plan is viable. A cloud-based solution allows you to test your company’s backup efficacy, recovery time, and recovery point objective without disruption. Should a natural disaster occur, Fencecore’s disaster recovery solutions ensure that organizations keep data, applications, and operating systems safe and secure in a backup database that is entirely out of harm’s way.

3. Flexibility

Some companies may require a basic solution that automates backups or maintains employee productivity while they work remotely. Others may be on the market for something more robust that ensures their organization can effectively secure and maintain its infrastructure while avoiding downtime in the face of threats. Whatever your business requirements are, cloud-based solutions provide the flexibility and scalability required to meet evolving security needs.

4. Faster Recovery Times

Any continuity plan should include protocols that strengthen an organization’s ability to swiftly revive, restore, and grant remote access to critical data, applications, and other components while minimizing the impact on operational performance. Since cloud computing relies on virtualization technology, essential elements can be quickly backed up, uploaded, and downloaded, resulting in quicker recovery times. What’s more, we enable businesses to choose whether to run their systems and apps off the cloud or restore their computing elements in an off-site location.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

Unlike traditional disaster recovery methods, which require companies to invest large sums of money in the procurement, management, and maintenance of off-site data centers, cloud-based disaster recovery is far more affordable. No need to deal with the ongoing operating costs required to run separate locations and manage additional servers. From lower start-up costs and maintenance fees to flexible payment models, relying on the cloud results in significant cost savings.

Is a Cloud-Based Solution Right for Your Organization?

Before looking to the cloud to strengthen your business continuity plan, it’s important to remember such solutions do not come in a one-size-fits-all format. Businesses must select an approach that best addresses their unique operational challenges, is compatible with their existing IT infrastructure, and fits their budgetary requirements if their goal is to ensure organizational resilience when facing any IT threat. A disaster recovery and continuity service provider can help select the right technology and formulate the policies and protocols best suited for your business.

In addition to providing robust cloud solutions, Fencecore helps companies of all sizes devise reliable business continuity and disaster recovery strategies. By conducting an initial vulnerability assessment, we can tailor a plan and recommend the right technologies to meet your unique business requirements, IT environment, and budget.

If you would like to learn more about our backup solutions and disaster recovery services, feel free to reach out to one of our experts today.